Travel Information


There are a couple of ways to get to Banja Luka:

By a plane

There are direct flights from Belgrade (SRB) and Zürich (CH) to Banja Luka. You can check the timetable here.


By a bus


Via Zagreb

There is a very good bus connection between Banja Luka and Zagreb (CRO), with eight departures a day. Check the Zagreb Bus Station website ( to see the timetable. The trip can take from 2.5 to 4 hours, depending on the route the bus is traveling.


Via Belgrade

There are as much as 18 daily buses from Belgrade to Banja Luka. The trip can take between 5 and 8 hours, depending on the route the bus is traveling. You can check the current timetable on the Belgrade Bus Station website (


Via Sarajevo

There are five daily buses from Sarajevo to Banja Luka, departing at 5:00, 6:30, 12:30, 16:30 and 22:00. The trip takes about 5 hours.


By a train

There are direct train connections to Banja Luka from Belgrade, Zagreb and Sarajevo.  You can check the timetable here:


Local travel


Public transport

All information of public transport you can view here.



Numbers of several taxi services are:

Patrol taxi 1533
Euro taxi 1555
Bel taxi 1550, 1544
Maxi taxi 1551
A taxi 1500